A Woodland Animals Themed Birthday Party

I’ll admit, when it comes to fall birthdays, using a woodland theme for a party is pretty easy. Stores have forest colored party supplies in abundance for Thanksgiving. And if you don’t want to buy decor, you can easily make it from your backyard. Sticks, pinecones, and leaves are everywhere. With my trusty friend, Pinterest, and some of my own DIY creativity, I was able to throw a rustic, woodland animals themed party on a dime. It was pretty fun! Now I kind of wish I could just use this theme every year.

These little owl cupcakes were delicious and easy to make.

My favorite part of the setup was naming all of the food items woodland themed things.

That cheese ball is so adorable!

The spread!

I made this number 1 cake topper from twigs, thin gauge wire, and hot glue.

A fox tail for baby is the perfect addition.

Cake and presents are great, but man, parties can be exhausting.

Have fun planning your very own woodland themed party!

Thanks for stopping by! Want to see more? Visit our website here.

Surviving a Photo Session With a Toddler

Anyone who’s ever had a toddler knows that they are a pretty opinionated demographic. These little people rule their kingdoms with authoritarian precision. We are but serfs in their quest for independence and knowledge. Understanding how toddlers behave and react to situations can be a lifesaver when taking their portraits. Bribery only goes so far, but does have its merits. 😉 I’m looking at you, promised ice cream cone. Here are my humble and sometimes successful tips (I’m really selling this, right?) as a mom and photographer of toddlers.

Schedule around naps and meals.

I know what hangry looks like in my house. Hunger + Angry = Hangry for those of you wondering what I’m talking about. Hangry looks like a little girl who’s melting down over multiple things per minute, and an impatient and grumpy mama who’s having a hard time coping with said meltdowns. Don’t schedule a photo shoot for a time when you know your child will be in dire need of food or sleep. It won’t be good for anyone.

Make it Fun!

Blarghhh getting your photos taken can be such a bore, am I right? Nope! Not with a toddler. They can either be fun or they can be terrible. Obviously, we aim for the first option. Try to frame the photo session as an exciting adventure that’s going to happen. Sometimes in an effort to get their children to behave, parents begin a photo session with angry threats. This sets a tone for the session that is negative. Try to find something to occupy kids with. Let them run around for a minute to get some energy out, or let them jump up and down or give them a piggy back ride. Every session is different, as is every family. Finding a way to get children excited creates an atmosphere that lends itself for more natural and honest photos.

Know When the Session is Over

With kids, it’s usually pretty easy to tell when they’re over something. Meltdowns ensue. Once you’ve reached this point, it’s pretty hard to make a come back. Quickly move through the five stages of grief and accept that the time for photos has come to an end.

Want to see more of our work? Visit our website here. Join our newsletter here for more tips and our latest deals.

A Scenic Mother’s Day Session // Great Shiplock Park, Richmond, Virginia

I had the opportunity to take Gideon’s newborn photos last summer. He was the tiniest babe I’d ever taken photos of, and he was so so precious. You can see my blog post on that session here. So, when his dad, Chuck, booked a Mother’s Day session as a gift for his wife, Rachel, I was pretty excited to see this sweet family again. The session was at Great Shiplock Park in downtown Richmond, a location that never disappoints. It provides a variety of backdrops, from train trestles and city landscape to scenic river and shady, draping trees. From the moment I turned the camera on, Gideon was all smiles. He’s a charmer! I couldn’t resist taking a few photos with both mom and dad. These are a few of my favorites of this lovely family.

Like what you’ve seen? Visit our site here, join our newsletter here, or contact us. We’re always happy to answer questions, chat, and of course, take your photos!

Refreshing Our Branding: Exciting Times for Turtle & Hare Photography // Virginia Wedding & Portrait Photographer

I was probably way too excited yesterday when I ripped open the beat up bubble packaging holding our brand new business cards, but I had been waiting way longer than expected for these little pains in my rear to arrive. In keeping with the disappointment of their delayed shipping, I half expected them to be bent, scratched, or the wrong color. Thankfully, none of those things were accurate.

The cards looked pretty much exactly how I expected them to. Simple, clean, and iridescent.

I had no complaints, and I still don’t. The title of this post might be misleading. We are by no means rebranding ourselves. Much of what comprises Turtle & Hare’s look and feel is sticking around for the forseeable future. We are just cleaning house a bit. Refreshing ourselves in preparation for all things wonderful. What does that mean exactly? All things wonderful include sunny days, rainy days, wedding days, portrait days, lazy days, and bake-a-bunch-of-sweets days. That pretty much covers everything.

We’re proud and pumped for these changes. In addition to the new business cards, we’ve updated some of our other graphics for seamless cohesion, we’re adding new print materials to give to each of our wedding couples, some pretty new advertising materials, brand new sample albums (I’ll be going into detail about these GORGEOUS heirlooms in my next blog post) for clients to peruse and find inspiration in, and some overall subtle changes to our website. Whew, that’s alot!

We’re so thrilled with what Turtle & Hare is about, what it’s become, and where it’s going. Thanks for all future things wonderful!

To see more of our work, please visit our website.

The Loneliness of Motherhood // Turtle & Hare Photography // Virginia Wedding & Portrait Photography & Videography

I’ve talked about being authentic on here before; how my goal as a photographer and person is to be open, honest, and loving with those around me. So, today I’m talking about the isolation life can bring. Maybe you’re not a mom, but you work or study from home. Maybe you’re a stay-at-home-mom and you quite literally feel like that is all you do- stay.at.home. Wherever you’re at, the isolation and loneliness is real. #thestruggleisreal

I have to say, it’s not all bad. Working in sweats sans makeup or brushed hair is what I do best. I have mastered the “natural” look. On days I know we aren’t going anywhere, I shamelessly dress my child in clothing that makes her look like a clashy living, breathing patchwork quilt. Today is actually one of those days. We are not exactly “instagram ready,” but we are fine. She’s taking a much needed nap while I’m writing this post and getting some other work out of the way. Even though it’s freezing, it’s sunny outside and we have enjoyed some pleasant play time together.

And then there are other days when I’m struggling to even get my teeth brushed and my angelic darling is thrashing on the floor in a rage over a broken crayon that won’t fix itself. There’s no Help Desk to call up and fix the obvious Trojan Virus that’s overrun my child’s harddrive. Days are hard; nights are hard. Cold weather leads to many days stuck inside. Home is our lifeline that we are frequently tethered to. It can be easy to forget that other people are also experiencing their own kind of isolation. We’re all tethered to our own homes and routines, making it difficult to connect with one another.

Here’s the truth though. I am not alone. You are not alone. Call me a cockeyed optimist, but we are all in this together. So, call a friend that you think needs some encouragement, text someone you miss. And try to find the humor when your angelic darling is throwing a fit over a broken crayon.

to view our work, please visit our website at turtleharephotography.com.

Cora // Richmond, Virginia Newborn Session // Turtle & Hare Photography

One hundred percent sweetness, that’s what this little one is made of. Cora looked so peaceful as the light gently streaked in her older sister’s bedroom. Her big sister was ready with open arms to hold and snuggle her. These two are going to have so many wonderful adventures together! And I couldn’t get over their adorable coordinating shirts!

See more photos from this newborn session on our website here.

A Golden, Lakeside Family Session // Midlothian, VA // Turtle & Hare Photography

Todd and Erin are good friends of ours. Their youngest son is the same age as our daughter, which provides tons of entertaining visits and conversations! They also have a charming, smart older son, who is great to be around. Taking photos of this family is always fun since they have so much fun together. I don’t have to work very hard to get smiles and laughter from them. I enjoyed seeing the bond between these brothers during this session at Sunday Park in Midlothian.

To see more from this session, view the gallery here!

The Best Moments of 2016 // Turtle & Hare Photography

As usual, I’m running behind on things. It’s 2017, and I’m embracing my lateness. So, la-dee-dah, I’m here writing my look back at 2016. It’s only January 6, people. At least I caught the fact that when I first wrote the previous sentence it said I was writing my look back at 2015. And thus, I take another sip of extra strong English breakfast tea to caffeinate my dizzy, sluggish mind.

Now, on to the topic at hand. What shall I say about 2016? It was a mixed bag of nuts. Okay, if you know me, you know I loathe nuts, particularly peanuts. However, I’m not sure 2016 deserves such a scathing review. She gets a bad rap, but even peanuts have redeeming qualities. After all, the Reese’s cup wouldn’t be here without the vile peanut. And so, I bring you the bright, beautiful moments of 2016 through the lens of Turtle & Hare Photography.

1. Creative Moments

My baby celebrated her first Halloween, and we had such a great time coming up with a creative costume for her. She went as JB Fletcher, the genius mystery novelist in Murder, She Wrote, played by the immortal Angela Lansbury.

2. Trying New Things Moments

We offered Autumn Mini Sessions for the first time this year, and it was awesome! I really enjoyed getting to know families I’d never met before. We used this rocking reindeer as a prop, and let me tell you, it was a huge hit! Every kid we passed in the park wanted to ride it haha. I was nervous about offering mini sessions; fear of the unknown. It taught me to trust my instincts more as we go into this new year. I’m thinking about offering Spring Mini Sessions now!

3. New Beginnings Moments

Engagement sessions are such a treat. It’s an opportunity to catch a glimpse of this really special thing these two other people have. Good portrait photos don’t happen without the magic of the people in them. They bring them to life. Looking back at 2016, we had some pretty good magic moments. Thanks for loving each other, people!

4. Sincere Moments

Some of the best moments of 2016 were moments I didn’t even know were “moments” until they were over. They were a hug from a friend I needed more than I thought I did, a kind word of encouragement, or a very long phone conversation with my mom. People lovingly being open and honest with each other is what we all need more of. That’s why wedding vows and toasts mean so much. They’re an opportunity to give this raw explanation of why you love who you love and why you appreciate them so much. And the exciting part is that the wedding day is just the beginning of a life where you get to show this person how much you love them in action and word; a chance to have countless sincere moments you didn’t know were moments.

5. Little Miracle Moments

Speaking of magic moments, there were some pretty adorable babies born in 2016. Each one was so precious and sweet. Personally, we were thrilled to welcome our first nephew into this world!

6. Fun Moments

We have a lot of these! What’s not fun about family self portraits with a baby who neither wants to have her photo taken nor wants to keep her shoes on? The three of us have fun together everyday. Even when situations don’t seem very fun, these two always manage to make me laugh (or at least smile).

7. Small Moments

Small moments are special for a photographer. We’re privy to catching a glimpse of a private moment between lovers, or parent and child, or even siblings. These are my favorite photos to take at weddings. Getting to witness two people committing their lives to each other is special, especially when they have these few minutes of quiet time together. We met some amazing couples this year, and attended some very beautiful weddings!

8. Family Moments

Whether it’s our family or yours, families are the best! These are the people you can hang out with, cuddle up with, eat with, talk with, and cry with. Looking back at 2016, we got lucky with the families we were able to photograph; babies, grandparents, and all of the ages in between, they were all really awesome.

9. Big Moments

I can’t leave out big moments! These heart stopping, adrenaline pumping moments that make the world stand still for a second are exhilerating. Big moments don’t come along as frequently, but when they do, you know it! We hope all of our couples and families know that their big moments were our big moments too. We loved getting to experience all of the joy and love that those big moments brought with you!

Thanks for choosing Turtle & Hare Photography to share in all of your moments, big and small, in 2016! It was a great year and we are more than excited for what 2017 will bring!

Want to see more captured moments? Visit our website!

A Murder, She Wrote Halloween with JB Fletcher // Turtle & Hare Photography

I know, I’m pretty far behind to just now be writing my Halloween blog post. Oh, well. I’m making it happen anyway. I knew I wanted Anna’s first Halloween to be memorable. I’ve got a limited number of years where I get to pick her costume for her, at least without persuasion. So, it didn’t take me long to decide a dedication to the great crime solver, Jessica Fletcher, was in order.

Friends, family, acquaintances, people I saw once in the grocery store, they all know that Angela Lansbury is my girl. When it comes to celebrities, she’s beyond my favorite. I’m trying to sound like my love for her is at a normal, healthy level. I think I’m failing. I won’t go into how I got to meet her once and it dwarfed any other measley thing on my bucket list.

Anyway, I had several outfit combinations in mind for this costume, and I think it came together nicely. The brooch, collared dress, cardigan, neck tie, and particularly the hat, really complete the ensemble. And of course, the book! Where would Jessica Fletcher be without her signature, title sequence font, and an ink pen should she need to quickly write bits of inspiration for her next novel masterpiece? Yes, a typewriter would have been better. I did actually order a miniature typewriter for this, but one day shipping sure isn’t what it used to be (I’m looking at you, Amazon). Want to create your own JB ensemble in mini sizes? Links are at the bottom!

Clothing items: Cloche , Cardigan , Shirt Dress , Brooch , Shoes , Neck Tie (vintage- thanks, Mom!)

To see more from this session, visit the gallery on our website!

A Sunny, Scenic Midlothian, VA Family Session // Turtle & Hare Photography

This was my first time meeting this family, but they are super sweet! It was a bit of a blustery day, but they were all champs about it. I love shooting families with kids because you get to see this sparkle of personality come out when they’re all just hanging out and interacting with each other. This sweet boy was so fun and cute to boot! Can’t beat that!

To see more from this session, check out the website gallery!